Analysis of the Infusion of Science Process Skill Contents into the Ethiopian Grade Nine Biology Textbook: A Content Analysis


  • Solomon Mengistie Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
  • Million Tadesse Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.



Biology, Content analysis, Grade nine, Science process skills (SPS), Textbook


This study aims to assess the status of Science Process skill contents in the Ethiopian grade nine biology textbooks. It evaluates the inclusion of basic and integrated science process skills (SPS) involved in scientific inquiry using the eleven Science Process Skills indicators. After having accessed the Ethiopian grade nine biology textbook from the net, the researchers read it once and again while doing this research. The content analysis research design was used in this research. The result confirmed that basic science process skills cover an excessive percentage compared to integrated science process skills. The skills included in the textbook were inferring, observing, and classifying (from the basic SPS), experimenting, and modeling (from the integrated SPS). The textbook is additionally not often made out of scientific communication skills and data collection and interpretation SPSs. However, the textbook no longer consisted of the prediction (from the basic SPS) and hypothesizing and controlling variables (from the integrated SPS). Generally, the research findings confirmed the unequal integration of SPS in the textbook. On the premise of the findings of this study, the researchers forwarded that textbook writers and professionals at the Ministry of Education need to prepare a preferred and harmonized biology textbook with a reasonable balance of all the integrated skills that could increase students’ use of the integrated scientific skills




How to Cite

Mengistie, S., & Tadesse, M. (2023). Analysis of the Infusion of Science Process Skill Contents into the Ethiopian Grade Nine Biology Textbook: A Content Analysis. IPS Journal of Education, 1(1), 1–12.


