About the Journal
Journal Summary: Scope: Publishes in all areas of Social Sciences. ISSN: Print and Online. DOI Prefix: Crossref. Frequency: Monthly (12 Issues per year). Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov. Journal model: Open Access. Article Processing Charges: Free. Abstracting & Indexing: Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Index Copernicus, Crossref, WorldCat. Type of articles: All kinds of articles including book of abstracts and conference proceedings. Review type: Double-blind peer review. License type: CC BY 4.0. Area of coverage: Sociology, Education, Management, Administration, Accounting, Banking and finance, Political Science, Philosophy, History and Diplomatic Studies, Mass Communication, Criminology and Security, Peace and Conflict Resolution, Tourism and Hospitality, Geography and Environmental Management, Psychology, Demography and Population, Cognitive and Behavioural Science, Urban and Rural Studies, History and International Relations, Anthropology, Arts and Culture, Philosophy and Religion, Human Geography, Archaeology, Literary Studies, Linguistics and Communication Studies, Foreign Languages, Peoples Politics, Gender Studies, Fine Arts and Design, Theater Arts and Film Studies, Music, Ethnicity Studies, Military and History.
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