Physical and Sensory Qualities of Hydrocolloid Treated 80:20 Wheat-Cassava Composite Breads
Wheat, cassava, hydrocolloids, flour, breadAbstract
The objective of this study was to determine the physical and sensory qualities of hydrocolloid-treated 80:20 wheat-cassava composite bread. The study was limited to the use of various ratios of these hydrocolloids; carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), gelatin and egg white. The dough samples from the various wheat-cassava composite flour, treated with egg white, gelatin and CMC respectively and in combination were baked using the straight dough method. The physical parameters- loaf weight were carried out 20 mins after baking using a laboratory scale and the readings were recorded in grams, then the loaf volumes were determined using seed displacement methods and the loaf samples were weighed in a laboratory balance. Sensory evaluations were conducted using forty member trained panelists who were drawn from usual bread consumers to evaluate the quality attributes of the loaves for crumb texture, taste, color, appearance and overall acceptance. All analyses were carried out in triplicate and the results were subjected to statistical analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Regression analyses of the data were conducted. Significance differences among the means were established at 5% level of using Duncan’s multiple-range tests. The results obtained showed significant differences (P<0.05) among some of the parameters analyzed; loaf weights, loaf volumes and sensory attributes. Thus, 80:20 wheat cassava composite flour bread samples treated singly with egg white, gelatin and carboxymethyl cellulose or their combinations as hydrocolloids had different degrees of acceptability. The 80:20 wheat-cassava composite flour treated with a combination of egg white, gelatin and carboxymethyl cellulose (EGCm) in the respective ratio of 1:2:1 or 1:1:2, yielded bread with similar volumes (4.17-5.27cm3/g) as reference 90:10 (W-C) and control (100% wheat) flour.

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