IPS Intelligentsia hosts and publishes journals for academic institutions, faculties, departments, societies, and private individuals or organizations. 

IPS Intelligentsia Journal Hosting Terms

Intelligentsia Publishing Services (IPS) is a multidisciplinary publishing company with partners across different regions of the world. Supported by a renowned group of intellectuals, IPS provides state-of-the-art technology to meet the modern-day demand for quality publishing.

IPS announces journal publishing partnership invitation. IPS will support New Journals by providing pre and post-publishing online services. By this agreement, online publishing services of the New Journal will be supported by IPS systems, processes, and staff for the call for papers, review of manuscripts, management of accepted manuscripts during the production, and proofing phase based on pre-accepted terms. The New Journal benefit from the use of these systems whilst keeping their own identity through the option for bespoke design.

Summary of IPS journal hosting plan:

1. Setting up a new Open Journal System (OJS) platform. This ensures that published articles will be in the right format to be indexed by major databases worldwide.

2.      IPS will be responsible for online hosting of the website, domain registration, annual hosting subscriptions, upgrade and maintenance of the website.

3.      All articles published by IPS on behalf of the new journal will be fully Open Access or Closed Access as agreed. The licensing type of the journal will be mutually agreed upon.

4.      All articles to be published will be formatted according to the formatting guide/standard of IPS.  

5.      All articles to be published will be assigned a Crossref DOI and indexed in Google Scholar and other major databases.

6.      IPS online technical services will support New Journals in the following ways.

a.      Plugin architecture and framework for content management.

b.      Cost-effective publishing solution.

c.      Comprehensive indexing of content.

d.      Provides world-class standardization.

e.      Multilingual support.

f.       Responsive, themable reader interface.

g.      Editors/reviewers configure requirements, sections, review process, etc

h.      Reading Tools for content, based on field and editors' choice.

i.       Payments module for accepting journal fees, donations, etc.

j.       Complete context-sensitive online help support.

k.      Online submission, double-blind review, and management of all contents.

An an individual or public entity, you can own your journal! We at IPS Intelligentsia Publishing Services offer publishing solutions to publishing firms for better services. Some of our value-adding services include: 

1. DOI Assignment services
As a member of Crossref, we invite publishers to partner with us. We will assign DOI to papers at the rate of $2 per article. With DOI, your published papers will be indexed easily in different databases worldwide. Notably is that your papers will be linked immediately to RG within a few days. You can try this out.

2. Google Scholar Indexing Services
Google scholar indexing can be regarded as the minimum requirement for published academic papers by many institutions around the world. The availability of published papers on Google search engines (https://www.google.com/) differs from their availability in Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/). The indexing of papers in Google Scholar is usually a problem for publishers. Most publishers rely on luck taking months to years for a few of their papers to be indexed. This is where IPS Intelligentsia can help. We will help you configure your system and recommend formatting guidelines that will help Google Scholar bots index your papers within 1-14 days. We will also train your staff on best practices to ensure that all your papers are indexed without delays. 

3. Journal/Website Hosting
We also offer full and joint hosting solutions. Our IT crew will design and host your websites, proffer training solutions and walk you through the publishing process. You may wish to be in full charge of your journal and only contact us when you need technical assistance. 

If you are interested in any of our services, please be in contact with us.